Продам шарнирный самосвал Hydrema 922C с аукциона

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Контакты продавца

Seller information
Denne auktion er oprettet af Victor Nygaard, på vegne af sælger.
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The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
CE-marked: Yes
Hours Date: 19 Mar 2025
Asset overall condition: In usable condition, but minor errors may occur
Seller / Auction broker: Victor Nygaard
Location: VN - 2640 Hedehusene, Denmark
Hydrema 922C ledstyret dumper
Timer: 7.900
Driftsklar vægt: 14.500 KG
Udstyr og specifikationer
Hydraulisk bagklap
2 x LED lamper på bagende
Lad volumen: 9,2 kbm
Registrerede observationer ved gennemgang
Bule i begge hjulbrønde
Flænge i plastikskærmen på tag af kabine
Flænge i begge sidespejle
Højre bagdæk: 10-20%
Venstre bagdæk: 70-80%
Fordæk: 70-80%
Cylindre i knækled har begge sår
Brugsspor på lad og bagklap
Stænkskærme mangler ved begge fordæk
Stænkskærm på begge af ladet er beskadiget
Førersæde er slidt
Elektroniskdisplay fungerer ikke
Måtte er slidt ved pedaler
Service og reparationer
Hoved eftersyn foretaget i oktober 2024
på eget værksted
Maskinen er løbende serviceret og vedligeholdt
Hydrema 922C Articulated Dumper
Operating Weight: 14,500 KG
Equipment and Specifications
Hydraulic tailgate
Rotating beacon
Rearview camera
2 x LED lamps on the rear
Load volume: 9.2 m³
Registered Observations During Inspection
Dents in both wheel arches
Crack in the plastic cover on the cabin roof
Cracks in both side mirrors
Right rear tire: 10-20%
Left rear tire: 70-80%
Front tires: 70-80%
Cylinders in the articulation joint have wounds/damage on both
Wear marks on the bed and tailgate
Mudguards missing on both front wheels
Mudguards on both sides of the bed are damaged
Driver's seat is worn
Electronic display not functioning
Floor mat worn at the pedals
Service and Repairs
Major inspection carried out in October 2024 at in-house workshop
The machine has been continuously serviced and maintained