Vibrosõel 2002 Screening plant (large)

Kui olete otsustanud osta madala hinnaga tehnikat, veenduge, et suhtlete tegeliku müüjaga. Uurige välja võimalikult palju infot tehnika omaniku kohta. Üks petmisviisidest on esineda tegelikult olemasoleva ettevõtte nime all. Kahtluste tekkimise korral teatage sellest meile tagasisidevormi kaudu, et saaksime asja täiendavalt kontrollida.
Enne ostu sooritamist uurige hoolikalt erinevaid müügipakkumisi, et selgitada välja teie poolt valitud tehnika mudeli keskmine hind. Kui teie valitud müügipakkumise hind on oluliselt madalam sarnaste pakkumiste hindadest, olge ettevaatlik. Suur hinnaerinevus võib viidata varjatud defektidele või müüja petmiskatsele.
Ärge ostke kaupa, mille hind erineb tunduvalt analoogse tehnika keskmisest hinnast.
Ärge nõustuge kahtlaste tagatis- ja ettemaksudega. Kahtluste korral ärge kartke täpsustada üksikasju, küsige müüdava tehnika lisafotosid ja dokumente, kontrollige dokumentide ehtsust, esitage lisaküsimusi.
See on kõige levinum petmise viis. Ebaausad müüjad võivad küsida teatud ettemaksusummat, et „broneerida“ teile tehnika ostmise õigus. Sel moel võivad petised koguda suure rahasumma ja seejärel kaduda, nii et nendega pole enam võimalik ühendust võtta.
- Ettemaksu kandmine kaardile
- Ärge makske ettemaksu, vormistamata dokumente, mis tõendavad raha üleandmise akti, kui teil tekib müüjaga suhtlemisel kahtlusi.
- Raha kandmine „vahendaja“ kontole
- Selline palve peab tegema ettevaatlikuks; tõenäoliselt suhtlete kelmiga.
- Raha kandmine sarnase nimega ettevõtte kontole
- Olge tähelepanelikud, kelmid võivad esineda tuntud ettevõtete nimel, tehes ettevõtte nimes väikeseid muudatusi. Ärge kandke raha üle, kui ettevõtte nimi tekitab kahtlusi.
- Oma pangarekvisiitide märkimine reaalse ettevõtte nimel esitatud arvele
- Enne ülekande tegemist kontrollige, kas arvele märgitud pangarekvisiidid on õiged ja kuuluvad vastavale ettevõttele.
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Marke: Screening plant (large)
2002 Screening plant (large)
Screening plant
Machine type: screaning plant
Manufacturer: Zubrägel
Machine part - Info: Screen deck 40-60
Attachment parts / design: 9,0m
Total length /m: 6,4
Centre distance in m: 6,2
Total width: 2,3m
Belt width: 1,25m
Drive motor: 2x 4kw
Estimated weight in KG
Screening plant
Machine type: screaning plant
Manufacturer: Zubrägel
Machine part - Info: Screen deck 0-40
Attachment parts / design: two-piece 12.2m
Total length /m: 12
Centre distance in m: 11,8
Total width: 2,3m
Belt width: 1,15m
Drive motor: 4x 4kw
Estimated weight in KG
Screening plant
Machine type: screaning plant
Manufacturer: Warnking
Machine part - Info: Screen deck 0-5
Attachment parts / design: three-part 12.0m
Total length /m: 6,8
Centre distance in m: 6,3
Total width: 2m
Belt width: 1,19m
Drive motor: 1x 5,5kw/2x4kw
Estimated weight in KG
Screening plant
Machine type: screaning plant
Manufacturer: Zubrägel
Machine part - Info: Screen deck 0-10
Attachment parts / design: 8,0m
Total length /m: 6,15
Centre distance in m: 5,85
Total width: 2,3m
Belt width: 1,2m
Drive motor: 2x4kw
Estimated weight in KG
Screening plant
Machine type: screaning plant
Manufacturer: Zubrägel
Machine part - Info: Screen deck 10-22
Attachment parts / design: 9,5m
Total length /m: 8,12
Centre distance in m: 7,9
Total width: 2,3m
Belt width: 1,2m
Drive motor: 3x4kw
Estimated weight in KG
Screening plant
Machine type: screaning plant
Manufacturer: Zubrägel
Machine part - Info: Screen deck 22-40
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m
Centre distance in m
Total width
Belt width
Drive motor
Estimated weight in KG
Coarse screen
Machine type: coarse srcreen
Manufacturer: Eigenbau
Machine part - Info: Screen deck 0-60
Attachment parts / design: with traversing function
Total length /m: 7,5
Centre distance in m: 5,8
Total width: 2,0m
Belt width: 1,0m
Drive motor: 2x3,5kw + 1x1,5kw
Estimated weight in KG
Feed hopper
Machine type: feed hopper
Manufacturer: Apollo
Machine part - Info: Chain conveyor 10x3m
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m: 12,3
Centre distance in m: 10,3
Total width: 10,4m
Belt width: 1,4m
Drive motor: 2x15kw
Estimated weight in KG: 2460
Conveyor belt
Machine type: conveyor belt
Manufacturer: Apollo
Machine part - Info
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m
Centre distance in m
Total width
Belt width
Drive motor: 2x 22kw
Estimated weight in KG: 1000
Bottom crusher
Machine type: bottom crusher
Manufacturer: Zubrägel
Machine part - Info: Feed under crusher(60)
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m
Centre distance in m
Total width
Belt width
Drive motor: 2x 22kw
Estimated weight in KG: 6240
Conveyor belt
Machine type: conveyor belt
Manufacturer: Apollo
Machine part - Info: Feed into the hall(60)
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m: 31,2
Centre distance in m: 29,9
Total width: 1,6m
Belt width: 1,2m
Drive motor:11kw
Estimated weight in KG: 6240
Scheper conveyor belt
Machine type: scheper conveyor belt
Manufacturer: Scheper
Machine part - Info: Supply to the siesta route(70)
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m: 20,1
Centre distance in m: 19,2
Total width: 1,6m
Belt width: 1,2m
Estimated weight in KG: 4020
Scheper conveyor belt
Machine type: scheper conveyor belt
Manufacturer: Scheper
Machine part - Info: Supply to the siesta route(80)
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m: 18,6
Centre distance in m: 17,9
Total width
Belt width: 1,2m
Estimated weight in KG: 3720
Conveyor belt
Machine type: conveyor belt
Manufacturer: Scheper
Machine part - Info: Oversize grain
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m: 7,9
Centre distance in m: 7,3
Total width: 1,8m
Belt width: 1,0m
Estimated weight in KG: 1580
Control cabinet
Machine type: conveyor belt
Manufacturer: itn engineering
Machine part - Info: Complete screening plant
Attachment parts / design
Total length /m
Centre distance in m
Total width
Belt width
Drive motor
Estimated weight in KG
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