Tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line

tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 2
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 3
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 4
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 5
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 6
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 7
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 8
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 9
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 10
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 11
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 12
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 13
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 14
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 15
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 16
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 17
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 18
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 19
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 20
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 21
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 22
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 23
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 24
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 25
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 26
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 27
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 28
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 29
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 30
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 31
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 32
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 33
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 34
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 35
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 36
tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line pilt 37
Olete kuulutusest huvitatud?
19 000 €
Hind ilma KM-ta
23 180 €
Hind koos KM-ga
Võta ühendust müüjaga
Tüüp: tootmisliin
Tootmisaasta: 2020-05
Omakaal: 3 000 kg
Asukoht: Sloveenia7434 km teist
Avaldamise kuupäev: üle 1 kuu
Machineryline'i ID: EN40442
Võimsus: 20 kW
Voolusagedus: 50 Hz
Pinge: 220
Üldmõõtmed: 10 m × 10 m × 2 m
Seisukord: kasutatud

Lisaandmed — Tootmisliin Richpeace Automatic Medical Mask Production Line

This machine is used for the automatic production of flat three-layer masks by automatic forming
from non-woven fabric rolls, automatic transfer, with a nose clip and rolled material of a set length cut
simultaneously, folding at the edges of the mask, folding and flattening, joining by ultrasonic welding,
cutting and forming, ultrasonic welding of loops for ears, etc. - All these processes are done

Main parameters:
-Suitable for mask types: Regular three-layer medical mask (disposable medical masks), surgical mask and medical protective mask
-Product specification: Mask for adults: 175 mm x 95 mm, optional child mask 165 mm x 95 mm; or 145 mm x 95 mm
-Speed: 60 pcs/min
-Material: PP non-woven composite fibres (three layers), typically 25 g per square meter
-Other materials: Nose clip (3 mm), ear loops (nylon with elastic, usually 3 mm)
-Processing method: Ultrasonic welding
-Air flow volume: 1700 l/min
-Power: 20 KW, 220V/50Hz
-Dimensions: 10m x 10m x 2m
-Weight: 3000kg

Technical features:
(1) Self-alignment of three rolls of material fed into the machine, i.e. the outer, filter and inner
layer. Continuous symmetrical ultrasound compression of both sides. Continuous pressing with
rollers, followed by cutting. The production line branches off into two separate welding machines
for attaching ear loops, enhancing line balancing and achieving high productivity. Automatic
counting and folding after the ear loops are welded.
(2) The production line follows the »1 in 2« principle, which is the core component of the
mask production system, distributing two sets in production for to weld the ear loops.
(3) Ear loops can be made by automatic cutting and automatic welding with ultrasound.
(4) The nose clip can be made by automatic feeding and cutting.
(5) The system offers stability, few malfunctions, a pleasant appearance, high efficiency, energy
savings and full automation.
Ta stroj se uporablja za avtomatsko proizvodnjo ploščatih trislojnih mask s samodejnim
oblikovanjem iz zvitkov netkane tkanine, samodejnim prenosom, s trakom za čez nosni koren in zvitim
materialom z nastavljeno dolžino, ki se odreže sočasno, zgibanjem na robovih maske, zgibanjem in
sploščenjem, spajanjem z ultrazvočnim varjenjem, rezanjem in oblikovanjem, ultrazvočnim varjenjem
zank za ušesa, itd. Vse to se izvaja samodejno.

Glavni parametri:
-Primerna za vrsto maske: Običajna trislojna medicinska maska (medicinske maske za enkratno uporabo), kirurška maska in medicinska zaščitna maska
-Specifikacija izdelka: Maska za odrasle: 175 mm x 95 mm, možna otroška maska 165mm x 95 mm; ali 145 mm x 95 mm
-Hitrost: 60 kos/min
-Material: PP netkana kompozitna vlakna (trije sloji), tipično 25g m2
-Drugi materiali: Mostiček čez nosni koren (3 mm), zanke za ušesa (najlon z elastiko, običajno premer 3 mm)
-Način obdelave: Ultrazvočno varjenje
-Volumen pretoka zraka: 1700 l/min
-Moč: 20 KW, 220V/50Hz
-Dimenzije: 10m x 10m x 2m
-Teža: 3000kg

Tehnične značilnosti:
(1) Samoporavnava treh zvitkov materiala, ki se podajajo v stroj - zunanji, filtrirni, notranji sloj.
Kontinuirano simetrično stiskanje obeh strani z ultrazvokom. Kontinuirano pritiskanje z valji, potem
rezanje. Odcep v dve ločeni varilni napravi za zanke za ušesa, da se izpolni uravnoteženje linije ter
doseže visoka produktivnost. Ko se zanke za ušesa privarijo, samodejno štetje in zlaganje.
(2) Proizvodna linija se ravna po teoriji »1 v 2«, kar je glavni komplet sistema za proizvodnjo
mask, da se pri proizvodnji porazdelita dva kompleta za varjenje zank za ušesa.
(3) Zanke za ušesa se lahko izdelajo z ultrazvočnim samodejnim rezanjem in samodejnim varjenjem.
(4) Mostiček čez nosni koren se lahko izdela s samodejnim podajanjem in rezanjem.
(5) Močna stabilnost, malo okvar, prijeten izgled, visoka učinkovitost ter prihranek energije,
popolna avtomatizacija.
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